Studies on seasonal and sexual variation on gross morphology and biometry

Title: Studies on seasonal and sexual variation on gross morphology and biometry of the thyroid gland in local sheep (Ovis aries) of Kashmir

Authors: Neelofar Nabi, MA Baba, Taziyun, Kamal Sarma and Ajaz Quadir

Source: Ruminant Science (2017)-6(1):39-41.

Cite this reference as: Nabi Neelofar, Baba MA, Taziyun, Sarma Kamal and Quadir Ajaz (2017).Studies on seasonal and sexual variation on gross morphology and biometry of the thyroid gland in local sheep (Ovis aries) of Kashmir. Ruminant Science 6(1):39-41.


The present study was conducted on thyroid gland of health male sheep. Six samples were collected during summer and six during autumn season. The paired gland was almond shaped and reddish brown in colour. It was related to parathyroid glands, jugular vein and its branches, vagus nerve, esophagus and trachea. The topographical features of the thyroid gland including position, color, blood and nerve supply in sheep were similar irrespective of season. Biometrical parameters (weight, length, width and thickness) were recorded for right lobe, left lobe and isthmus in male of summer and autumn season. Majority of parameters pertaining to biometry of the thyroid gland showed non-significant variations in both the seasons. However, the average contribution of thyroid gland to the body weight was higher in male sheep during summer season.


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