Morphometrical studies on the orbit of goat (Capra hircus) of Mizoram

Title: Morphometrical studies on the orbit of goat (Capra hircus) of Mizoram

Authors: OP Choudhary, PC Kalita, PJ Doley, A Kalita and RS Arya

Source: Ruminant Science (2018)-7(1):71-72.

Cite this reference as: Choudhary OP, Kalita PC, Doley PJ, Kalita A and Arya RS (2018). Morphometrical studies on the orbit of goat (Capra hircus) of Mizoram. Ruminant Science 7(1):71-72.


The present study was conducted on the morphometrical characteristics of orbit of the non-descript goat of Mizoram. The orbits were complete, oval and placed rostro-laterally. The orbital margins were formed by frontal, lacrimal and zygomatic bones. The orbital height, length, depth and circumference were more in the left orbit than the right one. The maximum contribution in the formation of the orbital margin was made by the frontal followed by the zygomatic and lacrimal bones. The orbital circumference was 11.66±0.01 cm and 12.03±0.02 cm in right and left orbit, respectively. The per cent contribution of frontal, lacrimal and zygomatic bones in formation of orbital rim was 48.63%, 11.23%, 40.14% and 50.12%, 11.64%, 38.24 % for right and left orbit, respectively.


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