Title: Macro and micro mineral status of feeds and fodders of goats in arid zone of Rajasthan
Authors: Deepika Goklaney, Anil Ahuja and RK Dhuria
Source: Ruminant Science (2018)-7(1):15-20.
Cite this reference as: Goklaney Deepika, Ahuja Anil and Dhuria RK (2018). Macro and micro mineral status of feeds and fodders of goats in arid zone of Rajasthan. Ruminant Science 7(1):15-20.
Present study was carried out to assess the macro and micro-mineral status in feed and fodders of goat in Bikaner district of Rajasthan. Feed and fodder samples were collected at random from various locations, following standard sampling procedure. All the samples were analyzed for minerals by ICP-OES. Jhar beri and Khejri loong were major roughages available for feeding of goats and found to be low in P (0.16 and 0.15%), Cu (8.25 and 7.62 ppm) and Zn (16.35 and 21.73 ppm), respectively. Average Ca level in different roughage source (1.65%) was adequate but low in P (0.19%). The concentrate ingredients commonly fed to goats contain relatively low Ca (0.35%), in comparison to roughages, except compound feed but were high in P level. In most of the feedstuffs, concentrations of Mg, Na and K were above the critical level of 0.12, 0.09 and 0.50%, respectively, and sufficient to meet the requirement of goats. The Cu content in all roughage sources was lower (7.93%) except babool and siris leaves and adequate in concentrates. The mean value of Zn in all the feedstuff was towards lower side of critical range of 50 ppm except that in guar churi. The Co levels in feedstuff of this area ranged from 0.25 to 1.42 ppm, which was found to be sufficient to meet the requirement. From the results, it was apparent that all the samples of feeds and fodders were observed to contain adequate amount of Mg, Na, K, Fe, Co and Mn, while wide spread deficiency of Ca, P, Cu and Zn were prevalent in and around Bikaner.
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