Title: Specialized goat training programme as an extension tool for knowledge increment and adoption
Authors: Khushpreet Singh, Rajesh Kasrija, Ravdeep Singh, Bilawal Singh, SK Kansal and HK Verma
Source: Ruminant Science (2019)-8(1):65-67
Cite this reference as: Singh Khushpreet, Kasrija Rajesh, Singh Ravdeep, Singh Bilawal, Kansal SK and Verma HK (2019). Specialized goat training programme as an extension tool for knowledge increment and adoption. Ruminant Science 8(1):65-67.
Increasing demand for chevon and goat milk has attracted majority of the farmers towards goat farming. Studies conducted so far reported that there is gap between the improved and existing practices of goat rearing. Specialized goat training programmes are desirable to farmers as they are often eager to improve their knowledge and practices and to have their knowledge affirmed by professionals. Hence, the present study was conducted to know the status of specialized goat training of institute as an extension tool for knowledge enhancement and adoption. The impact of the training programme on the knowledge of farmers (n=210) was assessed through taking knowledge test before and after training programme. The average knowledge scores (out of 10) increased from 3.58±0.13 to 7.67±0.09 indicating high knowledge gain. The present study revealed that knowledge level of farmers towards goat farming is low and there is a significant (P<0.05) improvement in their knowledge after attending five days training on various aspects of goat rearing. The adoption rate was calculated from the year 2013 to 2018. The adoption rate of goat farming (n=527) in 2013 was 27.08%, 2014 was 32.14%, 2015 was 36.00%, 2016 was 32.81%, 2017 was 39.51% and 2018 was 31.25%. Specialized training programmes are highly effective to improve knowledge level and adoption. Hence, training programmes have found to be an excellent extension tool as well as a rise in trend of goat farming in Punjab has been observed
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