22-Title: Productive and reproductive traits of buffaloes as perceived by livestock owner of Haryana

Authors: Rekha Yadav, Hema Tripathi and Parveen Kumar

Source: Ruminant Science (2020)-9(1):103-106.


How to cite this manuscript: Yadav Rekha, Tripathi Hema and Kumar Parveen (2020). Productive and reproductive traits of buffaloes as perceived by livestock owner of Haryana. Ruminant Science 9(1):103-106.


Present study was conducted in purposively selected Hisar and Jind district of Murrah buffalo breeding tract of Haryana by using ex-post facto and exploratory research design to know the productive and reproductive traits of buffaloes. A total of 240 respondents were interviewed and 334 buffaloes were covered. Under productive traits it was found that average per day milk production of buffaloes were <9.77 litres, average peak yield was 12.64 litres, average lactation length was 286.02 days and average lactation milk yield was 2507.9 litres. Under reproductive traits average age at first calving was found to be 43.8 months, average open days were 100, average numbers of AI done to get a buffalo conceive was 1.69, the average inter-calving period was 404 days and average dry period in the buffaloes was 113 days. Results were found quite encouraging as compare to buffaloes of other states of India.


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