29-Title: Factors affecting age at first calving in gir cattle under rural conditions of Jharkhand state
Authors: SK Bansal, TP Kalbhor, B Shivarudrappa and AK Juneja
Source: Ruminant Science (2020)-9(1):141-144.
How to cite this manuscript: Bansal SK, Kalbhor TP, Shivarudrappa B and Juneja AK (2020). Factors affecting age at first calving in gir cattle under rural conditions of Jharkhand state. Ruminant Science 9(1):141-144.
The data of 747 Gir progeny born during the study period, maintained by 488 farmers spread across 14 districts of Jharkhand state in India having reached age at first calving (AFC) were collected and analysed. The data classified according to various parameters like Agro-climatic zones (Central and Northeastern Plateau, Southeastern Plateau sub zone, Western Plateau sub zone), farmer categories (General, OBC, SC and ST), progeny birth years (2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014), birth seasons (summer, monsoon, winter) and sire to understand the effect of these factors on the age at first calving. Result indicated that overall age at first calving recorded was 44±0.26 months. Further results showed that factors like agro-climatic zones, progeny birth year and progeny sire had a significant effect on AFC, and it can be utilized in bringing about improvement in age at first calving in Gir cattle at the rural condition of Jharkhand state.
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