3-Title: Occurrence and pathomorphology of pneumonia in cattle
Authors: Renu, PK Boyal, S Rani and H Dadhich
Source: Ruminant Science (2020)-9(1):15-20.
How to cite this manuscript: Renu, Boyal PK, Rani S and Dadhich H (2020). Occurrence and pathomorphology of pneumonia in cattle. Ruminant Science 9(1):15-20.
The present study was conducted on 895 cattle of different age groups, sex and breeds to find out the incidence, types and pattern of pneumonia. Out of these 895 specimens, 180 (20.11 per cent) samples showed gross lesions suggestive of pneumonia and were further used for histopathological evaluation. Different forms of pneumonia were observed as bronchopneumonia (18.33 per cent), fibrinous pneumonia (10.56 per cent), catarrhal pneumonia (3.33 per cent), interstitial pneumonia (58.33 per cent), aspiration pneumonia (4.44 per cent) and haemorrhagic pneumonia (5.00 per cent). Grossly, affected lungs were congested or haemorrhagic, oedematous and reddish black or deep-red to reddish-brown in colour. The cut surface was either moist with oozing of blood tinged fluid or dry and granular. Microscopically, lungs revealed congestion, oedema, organisation, areas of necrosis along with infiltrations of mononuclear or polymorphonuclear cells and fibrosis in and around the bronchioles and thickening of interalveolar or interlobular septa.
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