10-Title: Self-efficacy of buffalo dairy farmers in Marathwada region of Maharashtra
Authors: B Telange, D Deshmukh, P Kapase, MBA Siddhiqui, V Munde and S Londhe
Source: Ruminant Science (2023)-12(1):53-60.
How to cite this manuscript: Telange B, Deshmukh D, Kapase P, Siddhiqui MBA, Munde V and Londhe S (2023). Self-efficacy of buffalo dairy farmers in Marathwada region of Maharashtra. Ruminant Science 12(1):53-60.
The present study was carried out to analyze the self-efficacy of buffalo dairy farmers in Marathwada region of Maharashtra. The study was conducted in 8 districts of Marathwada region by personally interviewing 40 respondents from each district, comprising of total 320 respondents. It was found that the majority of respondents belonged to medium age group (57.50%), had medium family size (73.44%), had medium experience (56.56%), had education up to secondary schooling (42.50%) and had land-holding up to 2-4 hectares (33.75%) with small herd size (61.25%). A significant number of dairy farmers had medium extension contacts (71.24%), medium social participation (69.38%) and medium sources of information (61.25%) and had not attended training (94.69%). Also, a positive correlation of average self-efficacy with age, experience, herd size, daily milk production, annual income, extension contacts, social participation and sources of information (p=0.01) and a negative correlation with marital status (p=0.01) was found. Multiple regression analysis described those six variables viz. age, marital status, experience, daily milk production, extension contacts and sources of information had explained variation in self-efficacy (r2=0.634). Moreover, the six variables explained the total variation (63.40%) in self-efficacy and the remaining (36.60%) may be attributed to the variables which are not included in the study.
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