12-Title: Performance analysis of Murrah buffalo based livestock production system in changing climate

12-Title: Performance analysis of Murrah buffalo based livestock production system in changing climate

Authors: Ruchi Singh, Sanjit Maiti, Sanchita Garai, SK Jha, Mukesh Bhakat, AK Dixit                             and Anjali Aggarwal

Source: Ruminant Science (2023)-12(1):69-74.

How to cite this manuscript: Singh Ruchi, Maiti Sanjit, Garai Sanchita, Jha SK, Bhakat Mukesh, Dixit AK and Aggarwal Anjali (2023). Performance analysis of Murrah buffalo based livestock production system in changing climate. Ruminant Science 12(1):69-74.


The present study was conducted to analyse the performance of Murrah buffalo in their breeding tract concerning adaptation to change in climate and mitigation strategies. A total of 320 farmers, who were involved in the Murrah buffalo-based livestock production system, were selected from 04 districts of Haryana region, India. Researcher also identified climate-resilient livestock technologies/management practices adopted in the study area. The average mean score for livestock diversity was 1.75. The lowest conception rate was noticed in Murrah buffalo i.e. 31-46 per cent in heat stress condition. Farmers practiced climate resilient practices such as providing appropriate shade for livestock, management of microenvironment through foggers, sprinklers, alteration in feeding material and time of feeding to minimize stress. These practices are supposed to enhance the resilience capacities of farmers by sustaining dairy animal productivity either in heat or cold stress. There is a need for assessments related to use of adaptation and mitigation measures tailored to the location and livestock in use, and policies that support, facilitate the implementation of climate-resilient practices with local resources.


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