14-Title: Existing breeding and calf rearing management practices followed by dairy farmers in Hadoti (humid southeeastern plain) region of Rajasthan
Authors: Deepak Kumar, Ved Prakash, Deepak Singh, AnitaKumari Meena and Dheeraj Kumar
Source: Ruminant Science (2023)-12(1):81-86.
How to cite this manuscript: Kumar Deepak, Prakash Ved, Singh Deepak, Meena Anita Kumari and Kumar Dheeraj (2023). Existing breeding and calf rearing management practices followed by dairy farmers in Hadoti (humid southeeastern plain) region of Rajasthan. Ruminant Science 12(1):81-86.
A study on breeding and calf management practices of Dairy farmers in Hadoti (humid south Eastern plain) region was carried out by collecting data from 225 dairy farmers with the help of a well-structured interview schedule and pretested questionnaire. The study revealed that all respondents were detecting the heat in cattle by observing the symptoms, no one using teaser bull, the majority of the farmers (71.11%) believed on relied on bellowing followed by mucus discharge (12.89%), frequent urination (10.22%) and mounting (5.78%), 56.89% were breeding their animals by AI and 43.11%. by natural service.50.67% practiced breeding during mid-heat followed by (27.11%) late heat and (22.22%) immediately after coming to heat. Half (50.22%) of the respondents preferred serving after 3-5 months of calving followed by 38.22% who rebred after 2-3 months. It was observed that 56.44% of farmers adopted pregnancy diagnosis by qualified veterinarians and 43.56% by own judgment. Treatment of anestrous/repeaters was practiced by 75.11 per cent of the respondent. The majority, (86.67%) of the farmers consider body weight as the main criterion for first-time mating. The majority of respondents (93.33%) did not maintain the breeding record. The majority of respondents attend calving and clean the new born after parturition. Few (9.33%) of respondents practiced ligation/ cutting and disinfection of the navel cord.54.67% respondents not feeding colostrum to the new born calf before the expulsion of the placenta. The majority (61.78%) of the respondents weaning calves at the age of three months. It was found that the majority (94.67%) of the respondents were not supplied calf starters. The majority (78.22%) of the respondents gave green fodder to calf after attaining 2 months of age. 75.11% and 97.33% of respondents were not practicing disbudding and castration of calves, respectively. The results indicated that 51.56% of respondents were not practicing deworming of calves in the study area.
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