15-Title: Assessment of enzymatic leucocytic stress response in Rathi cattle from Rajasthan during varying ambiences
Authors: Ashish Joshi, Nalini Kataria, Shesh Asopa and AK Kataria
Source: Ruminant Science (2022)-11(1):67-72.
How to cite this manuscript: Joshi Ashish, Kataria Nalini, Asopa Shesh and Kataria AK (2022). Assessment of enzymatic leucocytic stress response in Rathi cattle from Rajasthan during varying ambiences. Ruminant Science 11(1):67-72.
For the present study, blood samples were collected from 1200 apparently healthy Rathi female calves, heifers and cows aged two weeks to 12 years old during moderate (300), extreme hot (300), extreme cold (300) and rainy ambiences (300) from private dairies located in and around Bikaner district, Rajasthan. Assessment of cellular stress responses was carried out by determining enzymatic biomarkers of oxidative stress viz catalase and SOD in leucocytes. The overall mean values of leucocytic catalase and SOD were significantly (p0.05) lower during extreme cold, hot and rainy ambiences as compared to moderate mean overall value. The overall mean values of catalase and SOD in cows were maximum and of calves were minimum significantly (p0.05) in all the ambiences. In calves, pre-ruminant revealed maximum leucocytic catalase and SOD values while in the heifer’s category, post-pubertal had significantly (p0.05) higher values of leucocytic catalase and SOD in comparison to pre-pubertal in each ambience. In the cow’s category, among group A animals, pregnant dry and in group B animals, multipara had significantly (p0.05) higher values of leucocytic catalase and SOD in each ambience. In all the physiological states of Rathi cattle, maximum per cent variations were observed in rainy ambience. It can be concluded that among all the physiological states, cows showed maximum enzymatic stress response in leucocytes during the rainy ambience.
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