15-Title: Challenges perceived in management of stray cattle by gaushalas
Authors: Rashmi, SK Singh, A Singh and R Sirohi
Source: Ruminant Science (2022)-11(2):331-334.
How to cite this manuscript: Rashmi, Singh SK, Singh A and Sirohi R (2022). Challenges perceived in management of stray cattle by gaushalas. Ruminant Science 11(2):331-334.
To identify and prioritise the challenges faced by Gaushalas, the present study was conducted by surveying 100 Gaushalas dispersed throughout the Agra Division. The findings of the current study made it abundantly clear that the major challenges faced by the Gaushala in the study area included the prevalence of reproductive disorders, poor breeding bulls kept at Gaushalas, limited access to veterinary and technical services, insufficient land for grazing and fodder cultivation, insufficient funds and capital, and a lack of training facilities.
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