17-Title: Seasonal evaluation of semen in Holstein Friesian cross breed bulls

17-Title: Seasonal evaluation of semen in Holstein Friesian cross breed bulls

Authors: SD Kharde, SD Ingole, PM Kekan, SV Bharucha and AS Nagvekar

Source: Ruminant Science (2021)-10(2):329-332.

How to cite this manuscript: Kharde SD, Ingole SD, Kekan PM, Bharucha SV and Nagvekar AS (2021). Seasonal evaluation of semen in Holstein Friesian cross breed bulls. Ruminant Science 10(2):329-332.


The present study was conducted to investigate the effect of seasons on semen quality. A total of eight Holstein Friesian (HF) cross healthy bulls were selected aged between 3-8 years. The semen samples were collected by using an artificial vagina, during morning hours from 7.30 am to 9.00 am, twice weekly in different seasons of the year (winter, summer and monsoon). The microscopic analysis of semen samples was carried out by standard procedure. The result indicated that the ejaculated volume and pH were non-significantly higher in monsoon, whereas the density of semen was significantly (P<0.01) higher in winter than in other seasons. Sperm concentration, initial motility and live sperm count (%) were significantly (P<0.01) higher in winter and lowest in summer. Other parameters such as mass activity and abnormal sperm count were higher in summer than in winter and monsoon. However, HOST % is significantly (P<0.01) higher in monsoon. Therefore, it is concluded that high environmental temperature and temperature-humidity index significantly (P<0.01) affect semen quality.


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