19-Title: Effect of improved nutrition and shelter on milk yield of Magra ewes in two different lambing seasons

19-Title: Effect of improved nutrition and shelter on milk yield of Magra ewes in two different lambing seasons

Authors: T Bothra, AK Patel, Vijay Kumar, HK Narula and D Jain

Source: Ruminant Science (2021)-10(1):95-100.

How to cite this manuscript: Bothra T, Patel AK, Kumar Vijay, Narula HK and Jain D (2021). Effect of improved nutrition and shelter on milk yield of Magra ewes in two different lambing seasons. Ruminant Science 10(1):95-100.


Present study was conducted to to assess the effect of inclusion of improved nutrition and shelter either alone or in combination on milk yield of Magra ewes at ICAR-ARC-CSWRI, Bikaner in two season. In each phase, forty Magra ewes of 2-3 years old were taken from ARC-CSWRI, Bikaner; ten ewes in each group were used in a randomized block design up to weaning of their lambs, during Autumn-winter season (season-1) and Spring-summer season (season- 2). Milk yield was recorded twice a week starting from the second week of lambing until weaning of lambs using the lamb-suckling method. A digital data logger was used to record air temperature and relative humidity inside and outside of the shed. The obtained results of meteorological variables indicated that there was a wide variation in temperature and THI. The obtained results of milk yield showed that there was a highly significant decrease in milk yield of the control group as compared to ewes of treatment groups; similarly, there was significantly lower milk yield in lactating ewes of season 1 over season 2. The study reveals that incorporation of both improved nutrition and improved shelter is a better strategy for increasing the milk yield of lactating ewes.


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