20-Title: Correlation study of season and temperature-humidity index on semen quality parameters in buffalo bulls

20-Title: Correlation study of season and temperature-humidity index on semen quality parameters in buffalo bulls

Authors: Devender Kumar, JS Mehta, Jerome A, Pradeep Kumar, D Kumar, Shivani, CS Patil, Renu Bala, Nisha Verma, Satish, RK Sharma and Pawan Singh

Source: Ruminant Science (2021)-10(2):343-346.

How to cite this manuscript: Kumar Devender, Mehta JS, Jerome A, Kumar Pradeep, Kumar D, Shivani, Patil CS, Bala Renu, Verma Nisha, Satish, Sharma RK and Singh Pawan (2021). Correlation study of season and temperature-humidity index on semen quality parameters in buffalo bulls. Ruminant Science 10(2):343-346.


Present study was conducted on 953 ejaculates from Murrah buffalo bulls (n=10) collected twice a week from January to August 2021 to assess the association between various semen quality criteria during various seasons . The year was subdivided into three seasons: winter (January to February), comfort zone (March to April and), summer (May-August). Seminal parameters viz. semen volume (VOL), mass activity (MA), pre-freeze motility (BFM), and post thawing motility (PTM) and sperm output (NSP & NMSP) were recorded. Temperature humidity index (THI) value was obtained from the regional metrological department. Results from this study indicate that season had a significant effect on sperm concentration with the highest sperm concentration (1195.72±31.35) during summer. The difference between post thawing motility was found to be non-significant for seasons, being lowest in the comfort season (49.11±0.8%) followed in increasing order by winter (50±0.46%) and summer (51.71±0.52%) seasons. With respect to season, THI was highest during summer (82.24) followed by comfort (71.1) and winter (59.9). Significant positive correlation (P<0.05) of season with PTM (0.08); similarly, between VOL and NSP (0.584) and NMSP (0.634). It was observed that MA was correlated with SPC (0.167), BFM (0.178) and PTM (0.168), also, SPC showed a significant correlation with NSP (0.587) and NMSP (0.612). It was noted that BFM was significantly correlated with PTM (0.095) and NSP (0.254). Thus, this study reports the semen quality parameters during different seasons in buffalo bulls.


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