21-Title: Performance of osmanabadi kids under various rearing systems

21-Title: Performance of osmanabadi kids under various rearing systems

Authors: TR Sontakke, MBA Siddiqui, MD Kharwadkar, PV Yeotikar and SM Ranvir

Source: Ruminant Science (2022)-11(1):101-104.

How to cite this manuscript: Sontakke TR, Siddiqui MBA, Kharwadkar MD, Yeotikar PV and Ranvir SM (2022). Performance of osmanabadi kids under various rearing systems. Ruminant Science 11(1):101-104.


The study was conducted at the Goat Research Project, Vasantrao Naik Marathawada Agricultural University, Parbhani. 14 kids of either sex with similar age and size were randomly selected and divided into two groups i.e., loose housing (T1) and Conventional housing system (T2). The overall means for weekly body weight, weekly and daily body weight gain under T1 and T2 were 16.55±0.30 and 16.39±0.83 Kg, 327±0.24 and 220±0.35 gm, 47±0.03 and 32±0.05 gm respectively. A highly significant difference (P <0.01) was observed for weekly and daily body weight gain. The weekly and daily feed intake was 70.08±0.23 and 69.35±0.19 Kg, 10.01±0.23 and 9.91±0.19 Kg, respectively. The duration of the experiment was 90 days.   It was revealed that the rearing of Osmanabadi kids in a loose housing system was more suitable than the conventional housing system.


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