23-Title: Effect of rheological properties of cervico vaginal mucus on conception rate in cattle

23-Title: Effect of rheological properties of cervico vaginal mucus on conception rate in cattle

Authors: Shambhavi, Atul Kumar Verma, Ashutosh Tripathi, Manish Kumar Shukla, Suresh Kumar, Koushlesh Ranjan, Harshit Verma and Neelesh Kapoor

Source: Ruminant Science (2023)-12(1):121-126.

How to cite this manuscript: Shambhavi, Verma Atul Kumar, Tripathi Ashutosh, Shukla Manish Kumar, Kumar Suresh, Ranjan Koushlesh, Verma Harshit and Kapoor Neelesh (2023). Effect of rheological properties of cervico vaginal mucus on conception rate in cattle. Ruminant Science 12(1):121-126.


Twenty cows between 3rd to 6th parity with similar body weight were selected for the present study. Estrus synchronization was performed in all the animals by G-P-G protocol (0-7-9) and fixed time artificial insemination was performed on day 10th of protocol (12 and 24 hours following the last dose of GnRH). Animals were restrained properly and cervico vaginal mucus samples were collected aseptically by aspiration and evaluated for rheological properties. Pregnancy diagnosis was performed following 45 days of insemination and effect of various rheological parameters of cervico-vaginal mucus on conception rate was studied. The Conception rate was significantly (P<0.05) higher in cattle with thin cervico-vaginal mucus discharge (41.66%) than those with thick cervico-vaginal mucus discharge (25%). A significantly (P<0.05) higher percentage of animals discharged transparent (65%) than cloudy (35%) cervico-vaginal mucus discharge. The conception rate was also significantly (P<0.05) higher in animals with transparent (46.15%) as compared to cloudy (14.28%) cervico vaginal mucus. The percentage of cows showing typical fern pattern in cervico-vaginal mucus samples was significantly higher (P<0.01) than those showing atypical fern pattern. The conception rate in cattle having typical fern pattern was significantly higher than the cattle having atypical fern pattern. The pH of cervico-vaginal mucus in conceived cattle (8.36±0.47) during the oestrus was significantly (P<0.05) higher as compared to that of non-conceived cattle (7.03±0.73). The average spinnbarkeit value (cm) during preceding estrus was significantly (P<0.01) higher in conceived cows (11.95±1.57) as compared to non-conceived cows (8.32±1.13). Thus it can be concluded that various rheological properties of cervico-vaginal mucus affects the fertility and conception rate in dairy cattle.


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