25-Title: Study on constraints faced by malnad gidda cattle farmers in Shivamogga district of Karnataka
Authors: J Lohith, YB Rajeshwari, Vivek M Patil, Mahadevappa D Gouri and SB Prasanna
Source: Ruminant Science (2021)-10(1):127-132.
How to cite this manuscript: Lohith J, Rajeshwari YB, Patil Vivek M, Gouri Mahadevappa D and Prasanna SB (2021). Study on constraints faced by malnad gidda cattle farmers in Shivamogga district of Karnataka. Ruminant Science 10(1):127-132.
The present study was conducted to evaluate the existing management practices, record the performance, constraints faced and effect of strategic nutritional interventions on the productive performance of Malnad Gidda cows. The most common management practices were loose housing, natural service with locally available bulls, grazing during the day time and some farmers used stall feeding at night, good care and feeding practices for calves, no concentrate purchase for cows, and adequate milking techniques. The mean Garrett’s scores and ranks of the major categories of constraints in Malnad Gidda cattle production are the other major constraints faced by the farmers were feeding problems, general problems, marketing problems, breed characteristics and health care problems with respective Garrett s scores of 60.85, 58.99, 39.81, 33.58 and 32.61.
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