28-Title: Disposition kinetics and dosage regimen of cefepime following single intravenous administration in healthy and febrile buffalo calves
Authors: Shweta Jain, Neetu Rajput and YP Sahni
Source: Ruminant Science (2021)-10(1):143-146.
How to cite this manuscript: Jain Shweta, Rajput Neetu and Sahni YP (2021). Disposition kinetics and dosage regimen of cefepime following single intravenous administration in healthy and febrile buffalo calves. Ruminant Science 10(1):143-146.
The present study was undertaken to compare the disposition kinetics and dosage regimen of cefepime after single intravenous administration (10 mg.kg-1) in healthy and febrile buffalo calves. Pharmacokinetics of cefepime follows a two-compartmental open model following its intravenous administration. Fever was induced by subcutaneous administration of Brewer’s yeast at the dose of 20 mg.kg-1 body weight. The drug concentration in plasma was estimated by microbiological assay using Escherichia coli (MTCC 739) as the test organism. The peak plasma concentration of cefepime in febrile buffalo calves was comparatively lower (42.9±0.40 µg.ml-1) as compared to healthy buffalo calves (46.4±0.40 µg.ml-1). The drug detected in plasma up to 24 h after administration in healthy as well as in febrile buffalo calves. The apparent volumes of distribution were 0.57±0.01 L.kg-1 in healthy and 0.63±0.006 L.kg-1 in febrile buffalo calves. The elimination half-life of cefepime in febrile buffalo calves (3.05±0.01h) was longer than healthy buffalo calves (2.75±0.06 h). The total body clearance in healthy and febrile buffalo calves were 0.139±0.002 L.kg-1. h-1 and 0.143±0.001 L.kg-1.h-1, respectively. Dosage regimen of cefepime calculated was 11.5 mg.kg-1 followed by 11.0 mg.kg-1 at 12 h intervals in healthy buffalo calves, and in case of febrile buffalo calves, it was decreased to 9.55 mg.kg-1 followed by 8.0 mg.kg-1 at 12 h intervals.
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