29-Title: Applicability of muzzle dermatoglyphics in identification of surti buffaloes

29-Title: Applicability of muzzle dermatoglyphics in identification of surti buffaloes

Authors: Ghorpade PP, RR Singh, TKS Rao, NB Patel and SS Chaudhary

Source: Ruminant Science (2021)-10(2):395-398.

How to cite this manuscript: Ghorpade PP, Singh RR, Rao TKS, Patel NB and Chaudhary SS (2021). Applicability of muzzle dermatoglyphics in identification of surti buffaloes. Ruminant Science 10(2):395-398.


The present study was undertaken on 215 true type Surti buffaloes maintained at Livestock Research Station, Navsari, Gujarat to study the muzzle patterns & its applicability for the identification purpose in Surti buffaloes. All 215 buffaloes were classified in 4 different groups based on their age, group 1 (0 to 3 M), group 2 (>3 M to 1Y), group 3 (>1 Y upto 1st calving) and group 4 (adult buffaloes).  Different muzzle printing techniques were tried for muzzle pattern study and the technique described by Mishra et al (1995) with little modification was used in this study. The muzzle prints were further classified into different categories for identification purposes and revealed that muzzle prints can be used efficiently for the identification of an individual animal. It can be one of the methods for breed characterization and differentiation.


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