32-Title: Histogenesis of the interstitial cells and the reti ovarii in camel (Camelus dromedarius)

32-Title: Histogenesis of the interstitial cells and the reti ovarii in camel (Camelus dromedarius)

Authors: Hidaia B Zolain and Dafaalla I Osman

Source: Ruminant Science (2021)-10(1):165-168.

How to cite this manuscript: Zolain Hidaia B and Osman Dafaalla I (2021). Histogenesis of the interstitial cells and the reti ovarii in camel (Camelus dromedarius). Ruminant Science 10(1):165-168.


This study was conducted in 30 female foetuses of camels at different stages of prenatal development from differentiation up to the full term. The routine histological stain was used. The interstitial cells with large dark nuclei and strong acidophilic cytoplasm were found singly during the early stages of development which proliferated to form islets in the vicinity of the blood vessels, with the advancing stages. It was suggested that the interstitial cells in the prenatal camel arrived   from the mesonephric tissue like the other domestic animals.


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