33-Title: Occurrence and pathology of intestinal tract affections in buffaloes

33-Title: Occurrence and pathology of intestinal tract affections in buffaloes

Authors: Rachna Poonia, Manisha Mathur, Hemant Dhadhich, Renu, Aditi Kumawat, Sumnil Marwaha and Sunita Rani

Source: Ruminant Science (2021)-10(1):169-172.

How to cite this manuscript: Poonia Rachna, Mathur Manisha, Dhadhich Hemant, Renu, Kumawat Aditi, Marwaha Sumnil and Rani Sunita (2021). Occurrence and pathology of intestinal tract affections in buffaloes. Ruminant Science 10(1):169-172.


The present investigation was carried out on 738 specimens of the intestinal tract of buffaloes, suspected for abnormalities were examined irrespective of age, sex, and breeds in North-West Rajasthan. The affected intestinal tissue samples were further processed for histopathological examination and revealed enteritis in 35.71% of samples. The various forms of enteritis such as acute catarrhal enteritis 15.54%, chronic catarrhal enteritis 5.88%, haemorrhagic enteritis 8.82%, necrotic enteritis 3.36%, necro-haemorrhagic enteritis 1.68% and fibrinous enteritis 0.42% were observed. It is further concluded that the enteritis contributes a major pathological affection of the lower gastrointestinal tract in buffaloes.


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