35-Title: Morphological and histological studies of cervix uteri, corpus uteri and cornu uteri in Nellore sheep
Authors: Supriya Botlagunta, K Soumya and TS Chandrasekhara Rao
Source: Ruminant Science (2022)-11(1):173-176.
How to cite this manuscript: Botlagunta Supriya, Soumya K and Rao TS Chandrasekhara (2022). Morphological and histological studies of cervix uteri, corpus uteri and cornu uteri in Nellore sheep. Ruminant Science 11(1):173-176.
The study was conducted in the uterus of twelve adult apparently healthy and non-pregnant Nellore sheep. The results showed that the uterus of Nellore sheep was bicornate subseptus and consisted of three different regions, namely, cervix uteri, corpus uteri and cornu uteri. The mean length of cervix uteri was 34.09±0.24 mm, thickness of the cervix uteri was 7.34±2.18 mm and weight of the cervix uteri was 5.23±1.80 g. The mean corpus uteri length was 24.67±3.11 mm, corpus uteri thickness was 8.75±2.05 mm and corpus uteri weight was 4.22±1.75 g. The mean cornu uteri length was 45.34±3.66 mm, the cornu uteri thickness was 6.53±0.76 mm and the cornu uteri weight was 6.01±1.31 g. Histo-architecture of uterus revealed endometrium, myometrium and perimetrium layers from luminal side to outside. The epithelium of the endometrium was simple columnar or pseudostratified columnar ciliated. Simple, branched, coiled tubular uterine (endometrial) glands extended into the lamina propria submucosa. The myometrium was divisible into a thick, inner circular layer and a thin, outer longitudinal layer. A richly vascularised connective tissue having coiled arteries separated the two muscle layers. The serosa consisted of irregular dense fibrous connective tissue contained loosely arranged collagen and reticular fibres and very few elastic fibres.
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