35-Title: Perceived constraints in goat farming by stakeholders in Punjab
Authors: Aman Deep Singh Dhaliwal, Rajesh Kasrija, Parminder Singh and YS Jadoun
Source: Ruminant Science (2021)-10(2):429-432.
How to cite this manuscript: Dhaliwal Aman Deep Singh, Kasrija Rajesh, Singh Parminder and Jadoun YS (2021). Perceived constraints in goat farming by stakeholders in Punjab. Ruminant Science 10(2):429-432.
The analysis of constraints perceived in goat farming in Punjab was done by personally interviewing stall fed goat farmers (Group I, n=60) and extensive rearing goat farmers (Group II, n=60). The perspective of Veterinary staff (n=30) regarding constraints faced by goat farmers was also noted. The purposive sampling technique was used for selecting 10 goat farmers rearing goats by stall-fed rearing system and extensive rearing system each from all the six different agro-climatic zones of Punjab. The major constraints faced by Stall-fed goat farmers were the high cost of feeds and fodder, followed by less price of goat milk, less availability of good pedigree goats, non-availability of elite breeding males and poor knowledge about improved technology. For an extensive rearing system, the major constraints were reported to be high prices of concentrate followed by shrinkage of grazing land), no credit support, less price of goat milk and unavailability of the meat processing plant. From the perspective of Veterinary staff, illiteracy followed by financial constraints, unawareness, traditional thinking/superstitions and poor marketing knowledge and infrastructure were the major constraints. From the present study, it is inferred that goat farmers must be provided hand held support in the form of credit support (for procuring concentrate and pedigreed animals), educational support (in form of trainings/demonstrations etc.) and market support (for fetching the maximum price of their produce).
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