37-Title: uccessful management of a rare case of dystocia due to Perosomus elumbis in a non-descript cow: A case report
Authors: Mohd Mujaheed Pasha, RG Bijurkar, D Venkanagouda, G Malashri, Ashokappa and Nidhishree
Source: Ruminant Science (2021)-10(2):439-440.
How to cite this manuscript: Pasha Mohd Mujaheed, Bijurkar RG, Venkanagouda D, Malashri G, Ashokappa and Nidhishree (2021). uccessful management of a rare case of dystocia due to Perosomus elumbis in a non-descript cow: A case report. Ruminant Science 10(2):439-440.
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