39-Title: Dystocia due to monocephalic thoracopagus conjoined twins and its management in non-descript sheep

39-Title: Dystocia due to monocephalic thoracopagus conjoined twins and its management in non-descript sheep

Authors: M Murugan, M Palanisami, R Ezakial Napolean, M Selvaraju and S Dharmaceelan

Source: Ruminant Science (2023)-12(1):177-178.

How to cite this manuscript: Murugan M, Palanisami M, Napolean R Ezakial, Selvaraju M and Dharmaceelan S (2023). Dystocia due to monocephalic thoracopagus conjoined twins and its management in non-descript sheep. Ruminant Science 12(1):177-178.


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