40-Title: Association of shelter modifications on the milk quality parameters of Sahiwal cows reared in the hot-arid ambience of Rajasthan

40-Title: Association of shelter modifications on the milk quality parameters of Sahiwal cows reared in the hot-arid ambience of Rajasthan

Authors: Rajni Arora, SC Goswami and Gayatri Gujar

Source: Ruminant Science (2023)-12(1):179-184.

How to cite this manuscript: Arora Rajni, Goswami SC and Gujar Gayatri (2023). Association of shelter modifications on the milk quality parameters of Sahiwal cows reared in the hot-arid ambience of Rajasthan. Ruminant Science 12(1):179-184.


The present study was an attempt to assess if certain housing modifications in terms of improved bedding and heat amelioration strategies, alone or together, result in the alteration of milk quality parameters of Sahiwal cows. The study was carried out in 24 Sahiwal cows randomly distributed in four groups (G1, G2, G3 and G4) of 6 cows each, with G1 as control (without any shelter modifications), G2 cows housed in stalls with rubber mat-covered floors, G3 cows were provided with cooling fans along with water sprinkling twice a day, and G4 cows were housed in stalls combining rubber mat floors with cooling fans and water sprinkling twice a day. In the experimental design it is mentioned that milk samples were collected at fortnightly intervals in both hot-humid and autumn seasons, the key milk quality parameters (fat percentage, protein percentage, solid not fats, lactose and somatic cell count) were assessed in the experimental groups. Our study revealed no significant effects of different shelter modifications on the milk quality parameters except the somatic cell count (SCC). The SCC was found to be significantly (p<0.05) lower in all treatment groups compared to control cows.


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