45-Title: Dystocia due to cephalothoracophagus monster in a Murrah buffalo –Case report

45-Title: Dystocia due to cephalothoracophagus monster in a Murrah buffalo –Case report

Authors: Gyan Singh, AK Pandey, Rishipal Yadav, Pradeep Dangi and Maneesh Sharma

Source: Ruminant Science (2021)-10(1):223-224.

How to cite this manuscript: Singh Gyan, Pandey AK, Yadav Rishipal, Dangi Pradeep and Sharma Maneesh (2021). Dystocia due to cephalothoracophagus monster in a Murrah buffalo –Case report. Ruminant Science 10(1):223-224.


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