49-Title: Leiomyosarcoma in intestines of sheep
Authors: Sonia Sharma, Hemant Dadhich, Manisha Mathur and Goverdhan Singh
Source: Ruminant Science (2022)-11(2):503-504.
How to cite this manuscript: Sharma Sonia, Dadhich Hemant, Mathur Manisha and Singh Goverdhan (2022). Leiomyosarcoma in intestines of sheep. Ruminant Science 11(2):503-504.
Leiomyosarcoma is a rarely reported tumor of smooth muscle in intestine of sheep. These tumours are slow in metastasis but they are having local invasive tendencies. Two cases of leiomyosarcoma were reported out of 312 slaughtered sheep with intestinal dysfunction but its incidence is possibly undervalued due to being asymptomatic at an early age. Gross lesions of the tumour arise within the muscular tunic of the intestine and become relatively large, resulting in considerable narrowing of the lumen of the affected segment and cut section revealed hard and firm consistency with intestinal fibrosis. Microscopic changes as the huge proliferation of smooth muscle infiltrating into sub mucosa, arranged in fascicles of spindle cells with “Cigar shaped”, atypical nuclei and proliferation of blood vessels around were seen. Large bizarre nuclei and multiple abnormal mitoses indicative of high-grade leiomyosarcoma were also observed. Nuclear pleomorphism with dense chromatin was observed with pleomorphic cells and abundant mitotic figures, multinucleated giant cells and granular cytoplasm.
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