5-Title: Constraints faced by livestock owners in prevention and control of zoonoses
Authors: Jyoti Meena, Nirmal Singh Rajawat, Subhash Chand and Sanjay Kumar Rewani
Source: Ruminant Science (2023)-12(2):207-209.
How to cite this manuscript: Meena Jyoti, Rajawat Nirmal Singh, Chand Subhash and Rewani Sanjay Kumar (2023). Constraints faced by livestock owners in prevention and control of zoonoses. Ruminant Science 12(2):207-209.
The present investigation was conducted in Jaipur district of Rajasthan using an exploratory research design. The data were collected from randomly selected 120 livestock owners with the help of a structured and pre-tested interview schedule. The majority of livestock owners reported that the ‘Most serious constraints’ in the prevention and control of zoonotic diseases were lack of training facilities, followed by lack of a programme for zoonotic disease and unavailability of vaccines for zoonotic diseases. Further, it was found that fear that if the public knew about the disease (94.16%), it would decrease the value of milk and animals (90%), lack of knowledge about government programmes for prevention and control of zoonotic diseases (81.66%), no provision for testing especially for zoonotic diseases of animals at govt. hospitals (92.50%) and lack of training facilities about zoonotic diseases (79.16%) were perceived as the ‘Most Serious Constraints’ by livestock owners. In the ‘Serious Constraints’ category, the difficulty of taking animals to veterinary hospitals for free treatment was faced by about 50.83 per cent of livestock owners. Lack of space to isolate sick animals (82.50%), unable to give timely treatment because of another work load (73.33%), the transboundary transmission of disease through imported bovines from other states (67.50%), distant location of the veterinary hospital from farmers house (64.16%) were considered as ‘Not So Serious Constraints’ by livestock owners.
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