5-Title: Effect of non-genetic factors on the production performance traits in Gir cattle

5-Title: Effect of non-genetic factors on the production performance traits in Gir cattle

Authors: Oshin Togla, Shivam Bhardwaj, Nistha Yadav, Shilpa Gujral, Yaser Mushtaq Wani, Ishmeet Kumar and Anupama Mukherjee

Source: Ruminant Science (2021)-10(2):265-270.

How to cite this manuscript: Togla Oshin, Bhardwaj Shivam, Yadav Nistha, Gujral Shilpa, Wani Yaser Mushtaq, Kumar Ishmeet and Mukherjee Anupama (2021). Effect of non-genetic factors on the production performance traits in Gir cattle. Ruminant Science 10(2):265-270.


The present investigation was aimed to evaluate the effect of non-genetic factors affecting the production traits of Gir cattle. Data representing 271 records of 305 days milk yield (305-d MY), 294 records of lactation length (LL), 270 records of days in milk (DIM) and 192 records of Calving interval (CI), spread over a period of 6 years (2015- 2021) were analysed to determine the effects of period of calving, season of calving and parity. Analysis was performed with least-squares methods using the general linear model procedures including the above non-genetic factors as fixed effects. The overall least square mean of 305-d MY, DIM, LL and CI were 1122.68±68.49 kgs, 196.10±15.93, 213.23±7.51 and 506.04±41.94, respectively. The statistical analysis revealed that Parity and Period of calving were significant factors affecting LL, DIM and 305-d MY while Season of calving variations did not show any significant effect on any trait. The effects of considered non-genetic factors were non-significant for CI. The results indicate that considerable variation exists in the production traits of resource cattle herds caused by non-genetic factors. Therefore, it is suggested to consider these factors as a management tool before the genetic evaluation of the resource population.


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