5-Title: Gross anatomical studies on cranial cavity, nasal cavity and dentition of blue bull (Boselaphus tragocamelus)
Authors: Vikas Kumar, Sanjeev Joshi, Nikhil Shirngi, Poonam Rani and Sushil Kumar Meena
Source: Ruminant Science (2022)-11(2):283-284.
How to cite this manuscript: Kumar Vikas, Joshi Sanjeev, Shirngi Nikhil, Rani Poonam and Meena Sushil Kumar (2022). Gross anatomical studies on cranial cavity, nasal cavity and dentition of blue bull (Boselaphus tragocamelus). Ruminant Science 11(2):283-284.
The cranial cavity was ovoid and elongated posteriorly, situated on the dorsal aspect of the nasal sinus. The superior wall or roof of the cranial cavity in Indian blue bull was formed by supraoccipital, interparietal, parietal and frontal bones. The nasal cavity was a longitudinal passage which extended through the upper part of the face. It was divided into almost equal halves by a median septum nasi into right and left parts. The upper incisors and canines were absent, premolars and molars were three in number. The lower incisors were four in number. The dental pad was present. The total numbers of teeth in blue bull were thirty-two [2(I0/4 C0/0 PM3/3 M3/3)]
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