5-Title: Studies on prevalence of bovine tuberculosis in and around Jaipur, Rajasthan

5-Title: Studies on prevalence of bovine tuberculosis in and around Jaipur, Rajasthan

Authors: Yogendra Kumar Meena, Dharm Singh Meena, Madan Mohan Mali, Rohitash Dadhich, Lata Sharma and Jyoti

 Source: Ruminant Science (2023)-12(1):29-34.

How to cite this manuscript: Meena Yogendra Kumar, Meena Dharm Singh, Mali Madan Mohan, Dadhich Rohitash, Sharma Lata and Jyoti (2023). Studies on prevalence of bovine tuberculosis in and around Jaipur, Rajasthan. Ruminant Science 12(1):29-34.


The present study was conducted to record the prevalence of bovine tuberculosis in dairy animals in and around Jaipur district of Rajasthan. A total 400 animals (200 each of cattle and buffaloes) were randomly selected and screened by using SID and ELISA test. The prevalence of bovine tuberculosis was recorded as 5.25% and 2.5% by SID and ELISA, respectively and the combined prevalence was recorded as 2%. The cattle species showed a high prevalence rate as compared to buffaloes and a significantly high (P<0.005) association with the sex of animals was observed whereas the breed and age of animals not revealed any significant association for bovine tuberculosis.


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