6-Title: Growth performance of female crossbred calves due to partial inclusion of Moringa oleifera meal in the total mixed ration
Authors: Asif Nurmamad Sherasiya, Pravin Mohan Lunagariya, Dinesh Jagjivanram Parmar, Jigar Hirjibhai Patel, Laxit V Kachhadia and Mahesh M Chaudhary
Source: Ruminant Science (2023)-12(1):35-40.
How to cite this manuscript: Sherasiya Asif Nurmamad, Lunagariya Pravin Mohan, Parmar Dinesh Jagjivanram, Patel Jigar Hirjibhai, Kachhadia Laxit V and Chaudhary Mahesh M (2023). Growth performance of female crossbred calves due to partial inclusion of Moringa oleifera meal in the total mixed ration. Ruminant Science 12(1):35-40.
The study was planned to evaluate the partial (7.5%) inclusion of Moringa oleifera meal-MOM in the total mixed ration of growing female crossbred calves on growth, nutrient intake, digestibility and cost of feeding. Total fourteen crossbred female calves (75% Holstein Friesian x 25% Kankrej) of similar body weight and age were randomly blocked in two treatments. Compounded concentrate mixture (50%), Ground nut straw (23%), Hybrid Napier (25%), Salt (1%) and Mineral mixture-MM (1%) were mixed to prepare the control TMR (T1). Compounded concentrate mixture was replaced with MOM @ 7.5 % to formulate TMR T2. The daily intake of dry matter and nutrients on dry and digestible basis was statistically (P>0.05) similar except for digestible EE intake which was significantly (P<0.01) reduced in T2 TMR. The daily digestible intake of OM, CP and TDN on metabolic body weight basis was significantly (P<0.01) higher and EE was significantly (P<0.01) lower in T2 TMR. The difference in digestibility of dry matter and nutrients like OM, CP, EE and NFE and that of fibre like CF, NDF and ADF was non-significant (P>0.05) between the treatments. The FCR in terms of DM, CP, DCP and TDN (kg/kg gain) was non-significant between the treatment groups. The feed cost for each kg body weight gain was reduced by 9.58 Rs on feeding T2 TMR. It can be concluded that Moringa oleifera meal replacing (7.5%) high protein compounded concentrate mixture in the total mixed ration of crossbred heifers reduced 9.58 Rs. cost of feeding for each kg gain in live weight without significantly affecting growth, nutrients intake, nutrients digestibility and feed conversion ratio.
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