8-Title: Evaluation of nongenetic factors affecting reproduction and production traits in crossbred dairy cattle of Kerala
Authors: Jamuna Valsalan, Tina Sadan, K Anilkumar and TV Aravindakshan
Source: Ruminant Science (2021)-10(1):37-42.
How to cite this manuscript: Valsalan Jamuna, Sadan Tina, Anilkumar K and Aravindakshan TV (2021). Evaluation of nongenetic factors affecting reproduction and production traits in crossbred dairy cattle of Kerala. Ruminant Science 10(1):37-42.
The study on 1180 crossbred cattle spread over 16 years (2003 to 2019) in University Livestock Farm, Mannuthy; University Livestock Research station, Thiruvazhamkunnu and different field centres of ICAR- Filed progeny testing scheme, Mannuthy, Thrissur was conducted to reveal the effect of non-genetic factors on performance traits. The fixed linear models were used to estimate the effect of non-genetic factors. The overall least square mean of days to first service (DFS), service period (SP), age at first calving (AFC), 305 days milk yield (MY) and fat per cent (FP) were obtained as 84.46±0.89 days, 119.80±2.51 days, 1052.35±10.68 days, 2596.07±32.05 kg and 3.96±0.02%, respectively. Season of calving had a significant effect (P<0.01) on both DFS, SP where winter and post-monsoon were observed as favourable for fertility for crossbred cattle of Kerala. Period of calving significantly influenced (P<0.01) all reproduction and production traits in the present study. Age group at first calving had a significant effect only on MY (P<0.05). Different centres significantly influenced reproduction traits and production traits, except days to the first service. Age at first calving was significantly affected by both centre and period birth (P<0.01 and P<0.05). However, the effect of season of birth was not found significant on AFC. Since, temporary environmental factors play a major role on reproduction and production traits, better management in the farms should be implemented.
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