4-Title: Effect of non-genetic and genetic factors on lifetime milk yield and herd life in Gir crossbred cattle

4-Title: Effect of non-genetic and genetic factors on lifetime milk yield and herd life in Gir crossbred cattle

Authors: BS Katkade, MS Vaidya, DU Lokhande, SD Ingole, BN Ramteke, UV Bhoite, CS Patil and MP Sawane

Source: Ruminant Science (2021)-10(1):19-24.

How to cite this manuscript: Katkade BS, Vaidya MS, Lokhande DU, Ingole SD, Ramteke BN, Bhoite UV, Patil CS and Sawane MP (2021). Effect of non-genetic and genetic factors on lifetime milk yield and herd life in Gir crossbred cattle. Ruminant Science 10(1):19-24.


The present investigation was carried out with the objective of performance appraisal in terms of herd life (HL) and lifetime milk yield (LTMY)  (upto three lactations) of Friesian × Gir (FG), Friesian × Gir interse (IFG), Friesian × Jersey× Gir (FJG), Friesian × Jersey × Gir interse (IFJG) and  5/8 Gir (R) crossbred cattle at Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth, Rahuri District Ahmednagar (Maharashtra). The overall least-squares mean of herd life (days) in the present investigation for  FG, IFG, FJG, IFJG and R genetic groups were 1770.24±89.11, 1557.89±68.74, 1306.62±10.13, 1398.68±110 and 1379.61±112.4 days, respectively. The overall least-squares mean of lifetime milk yield (kg) in  FG, IFG, FJG, IFJG and R genetic group were  11037.77±29.46, 8086.46±16.66, 8689.43±36.32, 8496.64±16.35 and 8221.69±44.9, respectively. Further, the least-squares analysis revealed that the period of calving had a significant effect (P<0.01) on herd life in IFG genetic group whereas a non-significant effect was observed in FG, FJG, IFJG and R genetic groups. The season of calving had a non-significant influence on herd life and lifetime milk yield in FG, IFG, FJG, IFGJ and R genetic group. The genetic group had a significant influence (P<0.01) on herd life in all the genetic group. The period of calving had a significant effect on lifetime milk yield IFG and FJG and IFJG genetic group whereas FG and R genetic group showed a non-significant influence of the period of calving on lifetime milk yield.


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