16-Title: Evaluation of contributions of ICAR- field progeny testing scheme towards genetic improvement of crossbred cattle of Kerala
Authors: Anilkumar K, Radhika G, Shalu Elizabeth Simon and Aravindakshan TV
Source: Ruminant Science (2020)-9(2):291-296.
How to cite this manuscript: Anilkumar K, Radhika G, Simon SE and Aravindakshan TV (2020). Evaluation of contributions of ICAR- field progeny testing scheme towards genetic improvement of crossbred cattle of Kerala. Ruminant Science 9(2):291-296.
Genetic improvement in animal breeding was achieved over years by selecting outstanding animals from a population, through different selection methods. A progeny testing programme for cross-bred bulls under field conditions was started by Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) in the year 1985-86, since then the ICAR-Field Progeny Testing (FPT) scheme is being implemented successfully in Kerala. Since its inception, 268 bulls from 14 batches were tested, while during the study period (2003-2019) bulls from 10 batches were analyzed. A total of 68,491 inseminations were done during the period of study (2003-2019) of which 26,853 pregnancies (39.20%) were confirmed and out of pregnancies confirmed, 58.52% (15713 no) reported successful calvings. Total inseminations, pregnancies, calvings and female calves born, showed an increasing trend from 2003-2019. A total of 1796 progenies were produced under this unit during this period. Least square analysis of First Lactation Milk yield 305 (FLMY-305) and Age at first calving (AFC) was done using the mixed model (Harvey 1990) considering various fixed factors. Least squares mean for FLMY305 showed an increasing trend over these years, whereas AFC tends to decrease in this herd. Both these suggest the success of this progeny testing scheme and its importance in selection. Thus, this study clearly indicates the contribution of the ICAR-FPT for genetic improvement of the basal population crossbred cattle in Kerala.
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