26-Title: Effect of ßcarotene supplementation on haemato-biochemical parameters and reproductive traits of Murrah buffaloes

Authors: Sagar Kadyan, Harish K Gulati, Oshin, Sushil Kumar and Sajjan Sihag

Source: Ruminant Science (2020)-9(2):345-349.

How to cite this manuscript: Kadyan Sagar, Gulati HK, Oshin, Kumar Sushil and Sihag Sajjan (2020). Effect of ß-carotene supplementation on haemato-biochemical parameters and reproductive traits of Murrah buffaloes. Ruminant Science 9(2):345-349.


Fifteen pregnant buffaloes, one month prior to parturition were selected and divided into three groups randomly on the basis of parity, body weight and previous milk yield. Group G1 (control) was fed with basal diet as per ICAR (2013). ß-carotene was supplemented  @ 300 and 500 mg/animal/day orally in addition to control diet in G2 and G3, respectively. Biochemical and haematological parameters were not affected by ß-carotene supplementation. Days from calving to post-partum oestrous was reduced significantly (P<0.05) in ß-carotene supplemented groups (54.33 and 53.67 days in G2 and G3, respectively) than control (87.83 days). Significantly (P<0.05) longer service period (102.83 days) was observed in G1 in comparison to G2 and G3 (54.33, 53.67, respectively). Number of services per conception was significantly (P<0.05) lowered in ß-carotene fed animals (1.00 in each G2 and G3) than control group G1 (1.67). Body weight of the calf remained unaffected. It was concluded that supplementation of ß-carotene in buffaloes during the transition period has a major impact on reproductive traits.


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