9-Title: Comparative histological studies on the foetal cotyledons of Gir cows and Jafaabadi buffaloes

Authors: Ramesh J Padodara, Vivek K Singh, Tapan R Kumbhani, Anshu R Ahlawat, Harish H Savsani  and Vijay M Mehta

Source: Ruminant Science (2020)-9(2):251-254.

How to cite this manuscript: Padodara RJ, Singh VK, Kumbhani TR, Ahlawat AR, Savsani  HH and Mehta VM (2020). Comparative histological studies on the foetal cotyledons of Gir cows and Jafaabadi buffaloes. Ruminant Science 9(2):251-254.


The present study was conducted to compare the histomorphological structure of the full-term fetal placenta of Gir cows and Jaffrabadi buffaloes. Histological studies of small and large cotyledons of Gir cows showed extensive branching of villi that became extremely fine at the terminal end whereas the secondary villi were longer, slender, and well developed in Jaffrabadi buffaloes. Visible basal lamina was lacking in small cotyledon whereas numerous capillaries with the connective tissue were observed in the large cotyledon (in both the species). The trophoblast giant cells (TGC) were oval and larger than the cuboidal trophoblast epithelial cells (TEC) and they were larger in Jaffrabadi buffalo than Gir cow. The mean diameter of TGC in large cotyledon was significantly (p<0.05) larger than the small cotyledon in Jaffrabadi buffalo but not in Gir cow. Tertiary villi length, cell, and nuclear diameter of trophoblast epithelial cells and trophoblast giant cells were more in Jaffrabadi buffalo compared to Gir cow but numbers of these cells are more in Gir cow than Jaffrabadi buffalo.


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